The Nordstrom Clan

The Nordstrom Clan
Families Are Forever

Monday, May 3, 2010

Trying to Catch Up!

Little Jared @ 10months

My goal was to try to keep up and let you in on what is Happen' up here in Nevada...with our family. Yes! I admit I am not very good at posting new info in a very timely manner. But, I am trying!
I do admire all my family and friends that keep up with it! I love to look and check out their blogs and read all about what is happening.
So, I guess I better change my goal to: It will be posted sooner or later!


Stiber Family said...
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Stiber Family said...

How is little Jared doing? No update on his leg? Worries from Cali floating up to Nevada! Update us PLEASE :)

The Vickrey's said...

Hey so your kids are getting so big..I hope all is well and thanks for updating I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures!

Lorianne Taylor Nordstrom said...
